Pakistan's destiny: Ghazwa-e-hind (the Conquest of India)

Ghazwa means Battle (to Kill) and Ghazwa-e-Hind is Battle for Hindustan. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not only was a Prophet but a truly great general. Prophet Muhammad’s remarkable accomplishments as Islam’s first great general and the leader of a successful insurgency is unquestionable. Had Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not succeeded as a commander, however, Islam might have been relegated to a geographic backwater—and the conquest of the Byzantine and Persian empires by Arab armies might never have occurred.

In the space of a single decade He (SAW) fought eight major battles, led eighteen raids, and planned another thirty-eight military operations where others were in command but operating under His orders and strategic direction. Wounded twice, He (PBUH) also twice experienced having His positions overrun by superior forces before he managed to turn the tables on His enemies and rally His men to victory. More than a great field general and tactician, He (PBUH) was also a military theorist, organizational reformer, strategic thinker, operational-level combat commander, political-military leader, heroic soldier, and revolutionary. The inventor of insurgency warfare and history’s first successful practitioner, Prophet Mohammad (SAW) had no military training before He (PBUH) commanded an army in the field.

Ghazwa e hind just not only mean the Army who will attack Hind or current INDIA, it will also Fight for whole muslim world.

Our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said “ There will be an Army who will conquer Hind and bring the Kings of Hind with their hands chained and when they are finished ,they will fight for the Jesus Christ (pbuh).”

Another Hadith which states “ In end of times ‘ there will be an army of Khurrasan (Khurrasan is a region in Afghanistan covering some area from Pakistan tribal belts and Iran ) who will revive Islam when Islam will be in danger.”

Ghazwa e hind cannot be fit on the earlier rulers because they never fought for Islam .Instead ,they conquer India not to spread Islam but to Enjoy the Wealth of a country .Islam came in India 1400 years ago in Kerela when Arab business men came to Kerela.

In another words, The army of Ghazwa e hind will conquer Delhi first and then it will head towards the Syria as it will be the head quarter of Imam Mehdi .

80% of the prediction by Hadith has been fulfilled as we Know that Syria is destroyed ,Iraq is destroyed, Libya is destroyed and other Arab countries are shaking .

There are also predictions of Namatullah Shah Wali who was a great Sufi Saint made predictions about Pakistan and Ghazwa e hind .Some of his predictions has came true word by word .Some of them are :

“Britishers will conquer India and there rule will last for 100 years .”

“Britshers will left India but they will left India with a never ending conflict .”

“ A loud sound will be heard and Muslims will fight Idol worshipers with the Sword of success .This will last for 17 days .1965 WAR “

“After 23 years , there will be a great damage to Islam and blood will be everywhere in every house .Creation of Bangladesh .”

“Corruption ,Adultery will be everywhere .”

“At that time , you will see that the world will be governed by Christians .”

“Mongols will help Muslims .Turkey ,Iran and middle eastern countries will help Pakistan “

“A Great Military Dictator will take over the Pakistan .He will take big decision in Pakistan and as a result Pakistan will rise .”

“A voice of mutiny will be heard in India .”

“there will be a limited war between Pakistan,China and India .”

“Whole conflict will be turned into a full scale war .”

“Pakistan will lose Punjab ,Kashmir and some parts of Kpk .”

“The war will last for 6 month .”

“Mujahideen from Tribal area and Afghanistan will rush towards the area of conflict .”

“River Attock will be filled 3 times with the blood of enemy .”

“Pakistan will regain Punjab,Kashmir and Kpk and will push enemy inside India conquering wide area between the two rivers and a city called Bijnor .”

“Muslim Government will be established in India and Islam will rule India for 40 years .”

“Muslims will be conquers and enemy will face a defeat that they would never have imagined .”

“King of West Pakistan will gain victory with Arms and Weapons and enemy will face a historic defeat .”

“Third world war will be started .”

“Either America or England will be completely wiped out from the map of the world .Nuclear weapons will be used.”

“Imam Mehdi will appear in the world .”

“Dajjal or Anti-Christ will appear in the world .”

“Jesus Christ will decent from the heavens to fight with Dajjal.”

These predictions were made centuries ago about 800 centuries .About 70% have come true and remaining prediction are yet to be completed .We cannot say that these are final and have to be true.But the Sayings of Prophet Mohammad cannot be wrong in anyway .


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