FATF - A Political tool against Pakistan

If FATF is not a political tool then what about India who has sponsored/ finance terrorism in Pakistan through BLA and Kulbhushan Jadhav? These are not merely some blames/accusations against India but Pakistan has actually provided irrefutable evidence. The statements and confessions of the Indian Spy Kulbhushan Yadev are more than enough to prove the Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan.

If it is not a tool to blackmail Pakistan then FATF must see why criminals like Nirav
Deepak Modi (an Indian diamond merchant), Nawaz Sharif, and Ishaq Dar were not extradited to their respective countries despite requests.

FATF has started to look more like a political bargain chip for western countries including India to pressurize Pakistan to follow their agenda or to serve their interests. FATF is one of several ways for the US to exert pressure on Pakistan to “do more” on issues of US Interests.

Pakistan has done more than what was required but it continues to suffer because of
India’s big say in the Asian FATF meeting. In light of Colliers International Report about billions of GBP pouring in the UK to buy prime properties in London. Would FATF dare to check the money trails of investors there and the huge surge in Swiss Banks Accounts, the Indians said to be on top.


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