
FATF - A Political tool against Pakistan

If FATF is not a political tool then what about India who has sponsored/ finance terrorism in Pakistan through BLA and Kulbhushan Jadhav? These are not merely some blames/accusations against India but Pakistan has actually provided irrefutable evidence. The statements and confessions of the Indian Spy Kulbhushan Yadev are more than enough to prove the Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan. If it is not a tool to blackmail Pakistan then FATF must see why criminals like Nirav Deepak Modi (an Indian diamond merchant), Nawaz Sharif, and Ishaq Dar were not extradited to their respective countries despite requests. FATF has started to look more like a political bargain chip for western countries including India to pressurize Pakistan to follow their agenda or to serve their interests. FATF is one of several ways for the US to exert pressure on Pakistan to “do more” on issues of US Interests. Pakistan has done more than what was required but it contin

Adani The New Drug Tycoon of India

Will Adani be the new drug tycoon of India? Thousands of voices are asking the same after 2,988.22 kilograms of heroin worth almost Rs. 9000 crores were seized at the Mundra Port in Gujrat. As the Mundra port is owned by the  Group  and is known as Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd., the company is in the  investigation  trap.  The  Directorate of Revenue Intelligence  (DRI) exposed this international racket. According to the officials, it is being reported that 2,988.22 Kgs of heroin have been found and seized. On moving into more details of the investigation, it was found that the firm exporting the drugs has been identified as Hassan Hussain Limited, which is based in Kandahar,  Afghanistan. This racket was exposed when the Customs and DRI stopped the consignment, and they found heroin instead of talcum powder while checking – the consignment had been named “talcum powder” by the Aashi Trading Company. The consignment started its journey

Pakistan and the Taliban 2.0: The good, the bad, and the ugly

The Taliban’s   11-day   Blitzkrieg  has left the entire world stunned. With almost no resistance, one provincial capital after another fell like a house of cards, making way for the Taliban to claim Kabul. The Afghan army, trained by the United States, was nowhere to be seen as the Taliban entered Kabul. Perhaps they chose what was, in their view, the lesser of the two evils: one who trained them (Washington, an occupational force), versus the Taliban, one of their own from Afghan soil. Since 2001, the United States has spent  $83 billion  to train Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) including the military, elite forces, and national police. Had the Taliban not taken over Kabul, Washington previously  allocated  $3.3 billion for 2022, with a pledge of increasing it to  $4 billion  until 2024. The structural collapse of the 300,000 strong ANDSF forces has been analyzed with some  rigor . However, here we are, in 2021, with a lack of collective imagination on

Dubai Vs Gwadar: The New World Economy War

Major industrial infrastructure investments launched by the UAE government are expected to push expenditure. According to a  report published by the Dubai-based Arabic Language Al-Bayan newspaper, the Dubai economy will remain the least vulnerable to future economic crises due to current investments made in the build-up to Expo 2020. Current real estate and tourism investments as well as major infrastructure and developmental projects are expected to further consolidate the economy. Increases in demand with the 3.1 million UAE population (2017) further pushes the real estate market in Dubai and neighboring Emirates. On any trip to Dubai, one will see building construction sites everywhere—a sign of the nation’s current success and bright future. These sites are not the result of the economy alone, but from Dubai’s tourism and culture businesses. The majority of such projects are set for completion before 2020, which was also the year Dubai host Expo 2020. But due to COVID-1

Pakistan's destiny: Ghazwa-e-hind (the Conquest of India)

Ghazwa means Battle (to Kill) and Ghazwa-e-Hind is Battle for Hindustan. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not only was a Prophet but a truly great general. Prophet Muhammad’s remarkable accomplishments as Islam’s first great general and the leader of a successful insurgency is unquestionable. Had Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not succeeded as a commander, however, Islam might have been relegated to a geographic backwater—and the conquest of the Byzantine and Persian empires by Arab armies might never have occurred. In the space of a single decade He (SAW) fought eight major battles, led eighteen raids, and planned another thirty-eight military operations where others were in command but operating under His orders and strategic direction. Wounded twice, He (PBUH) also twice experienced having His positions overrun by superior forces before he managed to turn the tables on His enemies and rally His men to victory. More than a great field general and tactician, He (PBUH) was also a military theorist, orga

Pak China Military Coperation - The reverse-engineering of Black Hawk helicopters used in Abbotabad operation

When is a model of an aircraft more than just a model? That may sound like a lame rehash of a tired cliche, but a photograph of a model of a helicopter at the China Helicopter Research and Development Institute in Jingdezhen, East China's Jiangxi Province, has sparked a buzz. The China Helicopter Research and Development Institute is a division of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), a behemoth of China's aerospace sector. According to China's  Global Times , the model, believed to be a variant of the Chinese Z-20 helicopter, was displayed when a local official of the Chinese Communist Party visited the institute on May 19. However, the model triggered a buzz on social media towards the end of May as international experts argued it bore similarities to a mysterious, yet iconic aircraft: The 'stealth' Black Hawk helicopter of the US military. The US military used customised versions of its Black Hawk helicopte

IMRAN KHAN - . A one-eyed king in a kingdom of blind.

I remember the blistering summers of 2014. Pakistan was shackled in clutches of corruption, crime and credit crisis. And these were only the C’s. There was so much wrong with the country. Coffers of state were drained empty, economy was in tatters, and we were buried in billions of dollars of debt. There was democracy in Pakistan, but you could buy a vote for the price of a loaf of bread. Prime Minister of Pakistan was in Supreme Court on charges of electoral fraud, but we all knew it would amount to nothing. After all, judges could be bribed and laws could be bent for the rich and powerful. Terrorist attacks and bomb blasts had become part of our daily lives. I remember the night a bomb exploded in a police station less than a mile away from my home. Two police officials had died and a few were injured, yet the news hardly received any media coverage. This was the Pakistan of 2014 etched in my mind. Amid all this mayhem, appeared Khan, a messiah who claimed to shatter the